戦前頃の藍染絣野良着 | Indigo Kimono Noragi Jacket

indigo kimono






Last night, when I saw a program, a hanten jacket was displayed at a vintage shop in England.

I thought that it would be nice to have a Japanese shop someday.

If such a time comes, you should want to arrange the noragis here.

At that time, the number has decreased and the price has increased, so the earlier one is now.

These simple noragis are easy to wear.

indigo kimono

indigo kimono

indigo kimono

indigo kimono

indigo kimono

indigo kimono

indigo kimono








アメリカやフランス、イギリスなどのヨーロッパ諸国を中心に、Noragi Jacketとしてデザイナーやショップオーナーが着用やコレクション目的で集めているアイテムでもあります。






■ Product Details ■

・ Date: Around 1930-40s

・ Material: Cotton

1930-40s Japan vintage indigo kasuri cotton Noragi jacket.

A simple cotton kimono that seems to be in a corner of Japanese memory somewhere.

Kasuri's cotton kimono dyed with this aizome was widely used for noragi, yukata, and kimono as everyday clothes, but it has become a popular item, and recently it has not been found.

Now that Japanese fashion such as noragi is starting to be evaluated as a fashion, I think there are people who were interested.

Focusing on European countries such as the United States, France, and the United Kingdom, it is also an item that designers and shop owners collect for collection and collection purposes as Noragi Jacket.

I don't think there are many people who feel that Japanese people usually wear them, but if you think of it as a little haori such as a jacket or shirt, you can wear it easily.

It will be a one-of-a-kind style just by wearing it, and it is perfect for those who want to play in fashion without being with anyone around.

Also, unlike so-called clothes, personally I think there are endless possibilities because the textbooks for coordination are not good.

About 60 to 70 years have already passed since the production was finished.

It disappears in an instant when its existence is known to the world.
Don't miss this opportunity because it is decreasing year by year.

野良着 藍染

Indigo Kimono Jacket Noragi Kasuri Fabric Japan Vintage


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